Instructions For Monopoly World Edition Game

HOW OLD IS MY MONOPOLY GAME EARLY MONOPOLY GAME BOX DESIGNSEARLY MONOPOLYGAME BOX DESIGNS. CLICK ON A GAME BOX. In 1. 93. 5, Parker Brothers PB bought the rights to Monopoly from the inventor, Charles Darrow. This included Darrows inventory of game parts. PB immediately began selling Monopoly games using the Darrow game parts. The first games Parker Brothers made were marked TRADE MARK. The history of the board game Monopoly can be traced back to the early 20th century. The earliest known version of Monopoly, known as The Landlords Game, was. About 2. 4,0. 00 2. This included a small number of the No 9 long box, very rare today. Parker Brothers applied for their own patent and the next group of their games stated PATENT PENDING or PATENT APPLIED FOR. Over 1. 00,0. 00 games were produced with this label. This statement was used for a while in 1. I/51OkFzLvv0L._SL500_AC_SS350_.jpg' alt='Instructions For Monopoly World Edition Game' title='Instructions For Monopoly World Edition Game' />Monopoly already with patents. To protect their investment in Darrows Monoply game, they decided to purchase the 1. Landlords game and added that patent to their Monopoly games. This is patent 1,5. In the meantime, PB applied for their own patent on Monopoly. Their patent was issued on Dec 3. Buy Monopoly Game of Thrones Collectors Edition Board Game GrownUp Toys Amazon. FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. View Notes Living Religions 9th Edition Mary Pat Fisher from RELS 201 at American Public University. CONTENTS Preface Teaching and learning resources map. Instructions For Monopoly World Edition Game' title='Instructions For Monopoly World Edition Game' />The new patent was added to the labels and games produced from 1. When the 1. 92. 4 patent expired in 1. The phrase A PARKER TRADING GAME was added to the box tops in 1. Parker Brothers had an office in London and included this city on the labels of their Monopoly games. That office closed in 1. London was replaced by Chicago. Dating early Monopoly games is done by the patent numbers and cities listed on the labels. Most early games can be dated within a few years using these label elements. Canadian Monopoly games were introduced in 1. U. S. games with the different varieties. The earliest known Canadian game is the No 9 White Box with legals stating CANADIAN Trademark REGISTRATION APPLIED FOR and CANADIAN PATENT APPLIED FOR, described below. These seem to be extremely rare. CLICK HERE and you will go to a page from another Monopoly collectors web site showing a detailed list of dates for the legal statements on game boxes and boards. Thanks, JPThe game boxes pictured below show different label designs and kind of a chronology of manufacture. Im always adding new box varieties so check back once in a while for updates. Please feel free to email me with corrections, questions, or comments. Also, check out the online Vintage Monopoly Game Collectors group here. Lots of good stuff there about early Monopoly games. Black and Blue Number 7 and Number 5 Boxes. Instructions For Monopoly World Edition Game' title='Instructions For Monopoly World Edition Game' />This style box was a Darrow design and Parker Brothers just continued production using his design. Once Parker Brothers figured out Monopoly was taking off, they decided to offer a variety of different game options. One of the first things changed was the color of the box from black to blue. By the end of 1. 93. CLICK IMAGES TO ENLARGE. BLACK BOX Number 7 GAME 1. TRADE MARKBLACK BOX. The Trade Mark game is the ultimate Parker Brothers Monopoly game for a collector. It is the first to be wholly manufactured by Parker Brothers and is very similar to the Darrow version, except for the addition of player pieces and a redesign of Darrows black box. It was produced in limited numbers for only a few months in mid 1. Estimates are that about 2. The Trade Mark version was also produced in the long box No 9 version. Sorry, no pictures of that one available yet. PATENT PENDINGBLACK BOX. The Patent Pending game was Parker Brothers next version of Monopoly, made after the Trade Mark games. Parker Brothers applied for a patent and added this to the games. By this time, Parker Brothers realised the game was going to be a hit so production was ramped up considerably. It is estimated that over 1. Patent Pending games could have been made. No Number 9 White Box games are known with the PATENT PENDING statement on the box. EARLY SINGLE PATENTBLACK BOX. This is the next version. After purchasing rights for Monopoly from Charles Darrow, research discovered another game very similar to Monopoly had been patented in 1. Elizabeth Magie. Parker Brothers quickly purchased that patent from Magie and put it on their Monopoly games just to cover their claim to the rights to the game. That patent number 1,5. Patent Pending labels. This group includes a very few No. Trade Mark had this patent added as an overprint. Latest Midi Karaoke Indonesia 2012 more. As far as I know, less than a dozen of these game boxes exist today. VIEW HERE1. 93. 6DUAL PATENTBLACK BOX. On Dec 3. 1, 1. 93. Parker Brothers was issued a patent for Monopoly, patent 2,0. Almost immediately, very early in 1. Magie patent on all Monopoly games, replacing the single Magie patent. These patents also appeared on the several new varieties introduced by Parker Brothers throughout 1. These patents remained on all Monopoly games until 1. Magie patent expired and was removed. BLUEBOX Number 5 7 GAME 1. DUAL PATENTCOPYRIGHT 1. Parker Brothers and their Monopoly game. They produced 1. 8 million copies of the game and introduced several different new versions of the game. The Number 7 game box was changed from black to blue. Also, Parker Brothers was issued their own patent for Monopoly on Dec 3. DUAL PATENTCOPYRIGHT 1. A PARKER TRADING GAMEMADE IN USA. Late in 1. 93. 6, Parker Brothers realized that Monopoly was going to be their best seller and drafted a marketing plan to promote the game. Someone came up with the phrase A PARKER TRADING GAME and added that to game boxes late 1. By early 1. 93. 7, all Monopoly games included this wording. The words MADE IN USA were added at the bottom of the box. Number 5. DUAL PATENTREG GREAT BRITAIN CANADANumber 5For 3 to 8 Players. Another promotional idea was to introduce the Number 5 game, pretty much the same as the Number 7 game, except there were 8 player pieces instead of 7 AND it cost 5. They printed these changes on the first Number 5 game boxes. Also, Parker Brothers sold licenses to sell Monopoly to a Canadian and a British company in 1. They added that bit of information to the legals statement. Number 5. DUAL PATENTREG GREAT BRITAIN CANADA. Didnt take long for Parker Brothers to realize raising the price of their game in the middle of the Great Depression was a bad idea, so the game went back to 2. Monopoly was still their best selling game. DUAL PATENTLONDON. By 1. 93. 7, the bit about being reg in Great Britain and Canada had been removed and A PARKER TRADING GAME took a prominent position in the legals line and was printed in bold text. This is about the most common variety of 1. Monopoly. 1. 94. 0DUAL PATENTCHICAGO. In 1. 94. 0, Parker Brothers closed their office in London and removed the city from the box. This was replaced by Chicago. This is a very hard to find variety, with Chicago AND the dual patent because the Magie patent 1,5. LATE PATENTREG. In 1. Magie patent expired and was removed from the game boxes. LATE PATENTREGISTERED. In 1. 94. 6, the text REG. U. S. PATENT OFFICE was expanded, thus REGISTERED IN U. S. PATENT OFFICE. LATE PATENTA PARKER TRADING GAME removedPARKER BROTHERS TRADE MARK NAME FOR ITS REAL ESTATE TRADING GAME added. In 1. 95. 1, A PARKER TRADING GAME was replaced with PARKER BROTHERS TRADE MARK NAME FOR ITS REAL ESTATE TRADING GAME. As far as I can tell, this was the last version of the Number 7 game. It was discontinued in 1. Number 8 Popular Edition as the only small box game being made. CanadianDiamond BoxesThe NEW EDITION game was Parker Brothers first new label design. There are 2 versions of this game, the brown box and black box versions. The brown box version was first, but didnt last very long before Parker Brothers chose to go with the black box version.