Game Over Dealing With Bullies On The Job

Game Over Dealing With Bullies On The Job' title='Game Over Dealing With Bullies On The Job' />Need to deal with a bully at work You have lots of company. Americans are bullied and 19 have witnessed bullying at work. Heres what to do. While prepping a 67yearold female patient for routine cataract surgery at Englands Solihull Hospital, physicians noticed a strange bluish blob in one of her eyes. The SissyGirly Game by SissyKimmy1 Chapter 1 Lets Play Ballerina I couldnt believe this was happening to me. I was still in shock. It was all my little sister. About Sports Psychology, Sports Psychology, Sports Psychology Coaching, Peak Performance. Part Two Fighting Workplace Bullies Preparing Yourself to Respond. Are you ready to fight back against a bully at your job Its tempting to confront him. Eduard I think you did a good job of really breaking down envy in this post. What I really appreciated about this post was your suggestion to really try to determine. Education and parenting articles offer expert tips and information on raising kids. Read educational articles, parenting articles, more. How Chronic Complaining Saps Productivity. Complaining at work is about as common as the bad coffee in the breakroom and the endless cycle of meetings. But what happens when a whining colleague or boss never stops According to new research, issues such as chronic complaining damages productivity, morale and the bottom line. Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers, author Linda Swindling recently talked with Anita Bruzzese to offer some insight into whiners 1. Why do people complain Everyone complains and vents at times and for all sorts of reasons There is stress at home or work. You could be facing a difficult situation, a big change, or maybe there are health or financial concerns. Chronic complainers, however, are self absorbed. EB26376DC6DE75951D46CC6E8BF289746EBA2037' alt='Game Over Dealing With Bullies On The Job' title='Game Over Dealing With Bullies On The Job' />Their complaints arent helpful. They create a hyper focus on negative issues. These energy drainers are using whining, complaining, andor offensive behavior to obtain rewards, avoiding some sort of pain or gain control. What do they complain about the most The top complaints are too much work to do, unclear direction or lack of feedback from leadership, and incompetent co workers or bosses. Chronic complainers suck the resources, time, energy and joy out of work and life. They arent concerned with solutions. For many, their bad behavior has worked since childhood. In fact, chronic complainers often are compared to school bullies, spoiled toddlers, whiny children, sneaky adolescents and sullen teenagers. What do complainers cost those in the workplace Surprisingly, 7. At a minimum, that translates into one to two months spent every year for every person who spends time dealing with complainers. Thirty two percent say they spend more than six hours per week, and 2 report that complainers consume more than 2. This unproductive time costs companies at least 4,6. That means that U. Xbox 360 Game Isos on this page. S. employers are spending at least 1. Employees dont want to work with complainers, even if you pay them. Seventy three percent of people say they would choose to stay in their current job at their current annual pay rather than accepting a 1. If you dont address the work drama, you risk the loss of productive contributors. Complainers cause good employees to leave a company and jobs they like. At least 1. 1 left a job because they couldnt stand working with a complainer. Culture rates above salary as a key component in why people, especially good performers, stay in their jobs. Is there anything you can do when the complainer is your boss If the complainer is your boss, you first need to listen and make sure you arent causing the problem and that the solution isnt yours to fix. Despite their roles as leaders, bosses are still attempting to get a need met. Use caution. Not all solutions fit all complaining bosses. Each of the five types of complainers have a specific way of complaining, including tone, conversation style, words and behavior. They also want different outcomes Whiner bosses want empathy and connection. They complain by showing disapproval, venting or withdrawing. Dont try to solve their problems or become their personal counselor or coach. Listen for a short while, empathize and then ask what solutions they are going to try. Complicator bosses want calm and stability. They complain by blocking, complicating and creating confusion. They can appear as micro managers, perfectionists or critics. Slow down your approach and explain, recognize their expertise and knowledge and offer suggestions as an upgrade or logical next step. Prima Donna bosses want recognition. They complain by seeking attention, gossiping, interrupting and interfering. They can make unrealistic promises you cant deliver, use you as a scapegoat and take the credit for your work. Help them gain positive attention and look good to others. Dont get lost in the drama they cause and, if possible, find ways to publicize your results to peers and people who matter. Controller bosses want action and to accomplish goals. They complain aggressively to control or reach an outcome. They can be bullies, tyrants and bulldozers. You will need to assertively stand your ground without being aggressive. Show them that progress is being made. When you can, allow them to make some decisions from a narrow selection of options. Toxic bosses want to further a self absorbed agenda. They complain to manipulate or poison the environment. They can use any of the other four types of complaining to divert attention away from their own inadequacies, misrepresent their expertise and promote their interests. Protect yourself by keeping your own records, seeking help from a trusted advisor such as a mentor, coach or counselor. Watch what communication works best with your toxic boss. Do your best to steer yourself clear of them, including transferring to another team, division or job. Warning Use stealth when you are looking for an escape. Toxic bosses can retaliate. To identify which of the five complaining types youre dealing with go to www. Stop. Complainers. Spot Your Complainers Type. Which type of complainer causes the greatest problems and why The most dangerous complainers are controllers and toxics. When they are pushing to get something done or eliminate a delay, controllers can be seen as bullies or harassers with their demanding nature and no excuses allowed demeanor. Toxics are narcissists, manipulators and even psychopaths. They are charming, disarming and poison an environment. When you employ people with no conscience and who are concerned only with furthering their own goals, the torment and harm is without measure. What is constructive complaining and why should it be encouraged It sounds unbelievable, but criticism can create beneficial business results. Complaining customers who take the time and energy to identify an area of concern are doing you a favor. If situations are brought to light early enough, a company has the opportunity to make it right. Some tips to encourage constructive feedback are Listen to the complainer without judgment. Dont blame. When in doubt, ask questions. Show appreciation for the information. If you are in the wrong, say, What can we do to make it right or What do you think is fairDo not dwell on the past. Once you understand the problem, focus on a resolution and the future. Have you ever had colleagues or bosses that constantly complain How did you handle the situation Posted in Team Project Management, Team Productivity Tagged bully, complain, constructive complaining, drama, Leadership, managers, productivity, stress.