Delphi Serialize

Serializing TObject. List to stream. Im wondering how I can perform serialization of a generic TObject. Listlt T container. Basically, I want to store different objects in that list, but all objects will descend from TSerializable, which is defined as follows TSerializable class abstractTObject. Public declarations. Load. From. Streamconst S TStream virtual abstract. Portable-WMI-Delphi-Code-Creator_3.png' alt='Delphi Serialize' title='Delphi Serialize' />Save. To. Streamconst S TStream virtual abstract. Now, lets say I have these classes defined somewhere in my app type. TExample. Class classTSerializable. Private declarations. Delphi Serialize' title='Delphi Serialize' />SoapFormatter SoapFormatter Serialize. An Introduction to DataSet in VB. NET Just What You Need to Know About DataSet. FInt. Prop Integer. Public declarations. Create. procedure Load. From. Streamconst S TStream override. Save. To. Streamconst S TStream override. Int. Prop Integer read FInt. Prop write FInt. Prop. TAnother. Example classTSerializable. Private declarations. FString. Prop String. Public declarations. Create. procedure Load. From. Streamconst S TStream override. Article update The server side call back signature changed since this article was first published in 2010. Please refer to the documentation or this forum article. Save. To. Streamconst S TStream override. Reverse. String. Prop. String. Prop String read FString. Prop write FString. Prop. Im planning to store such objects in a list var. MS TMemory. Stream. Some. List TObject. Listlt TSerializable. MS TMemory. Stream. Create. Some. List TObject. Listlt TSerializable. CreateTrue. Some. List. AddTExample. Class. Create. Some. List. AddTAnother. Class. Create. TExample. Unity 5.3 there. ClassSome. List0. Int. Prop 1. TAnother. ClassSome. List1. String. Prop Some value. Delphi Serialize' title='Delphi Serialize' />Delphi SerializeHere, a method to serialize the list. Serialize. ListSome. List, MS. Clear the list and reset position in the stream. Some. List. Clear. MS. Seek0, so. From. Beginning. Unserialize the list. Unserialize. ListSome. List, MS. Should display Some value. WritelnTAnother. ClassSome. List1. String. Prop. Some. List. Free. MS. Free. Now, how could I possibly serialize the whole list to stream and then re create the list from that stream What I was thinking about was Iterate through the list. Write each objects class name to the stream first. Call Save. To. Stream on that object. But for that approach to work, I would need to create some kind of a class register, which would be some kind of a dictionary to store known classes. It sounds like a good idea, but then I would need to call some Register. Class method to add every new class to the dictionary, and I dont like that way too much. Is there any other way, or should I just do it the way I proposedPEmicro P E Microcomputer Systems Over 3. Industry leader in Embedded Systems Development Tools, debug probes, and production programmers CYCLONE In Circuit Production Flash Programmers. Overview. Product Description. PEmicros CYCLONE programmers are powerful, in circuit, stand alone programmers that support devices from many manufacturers. They are versatile tools that offers on board storage of programming images, provides power to the target, supports manual or automated programming, and have easy to use touchscreen interfaces. Programming may be launched by a single button press without a PC or automatically from a PC via the automated control SDK. The Cyclone series of programmers may also be used as debug probes during development and are supported by many IDEs. Device Support. Cyclone production programmers are powerful, fast, and feature rich in circuit programming solutions. PEmicro offers two models which have the same feature set and only vary by the devices supported. The CYCLONEACP covers a wide variety of ARM Cortex devices. The CYCLONEUNIVERSAL covers ARM Cortex devices as well as the following 81. NXPs Kinetis, LPC, S3. Refill Megapack Torrent. Qorivva MPC5xxx, MPC5xx8xx, Coldfire, DSC, S1. Z, RS0. 8, S0. 8, HC0. HCS1. 2X, and STMicroelectronics SPC5 MCUs. CYCLONE UNIVERSAL ARCHITECTURESCYCLONE ACP ARCHITECTURESARM Cortex devices Atmel SAMxxx. Cypress PRo. C BLE, PSo. C4, PSo. C5. Infineon XMCNordic. Semi n. RF5. 1, n. RF5. 2NXP Kinetis, LPCSilergy Maxim MAX7. Silicon Labs EFM3. EFR3. 2, Si. M3. STMicroelectronics STM3. Texas Instruments LM3. S, LM4, TM4. C1. 2x. Toshiba TX0. 0, TX0. TX0. 4. Those working with certain Power Architecture families can take advantage of pipelined programming algorithms that dramatically increase programming speed. The Cyclone Universal is the next generation design which replaces the older Cyclone Pro and Cyclone Max programmers see transition guide. Dont see your deviceWe are adding new support all of the time. Let us know PEmicro also offers the Cyclone FX programmer series which offers higher performance, larger internal storage, security, the ability to set programming limitations, power measurement, external SDHC memory expansion, test capabilities, and more. Connectivity The Cyclone series of programmers are stand alone and can program target processors independently of a PC. Connecting to a PC allows the Cyclone programmers to be automatically controlled and also allows configuration of the Cyclone such as adding more programming images. The Cyclone connects to the PC via USB, Ethernet, or Serial connections and all three cables are provided. For Ethernet connectivity, the Cyclone programmers can either be assigned a fixed IP or can dynamically acquire one via DHCP. The Cyclone connects to the debug header of your target via a ribbon cable suitable for the architecture being programmed. The Cyclone comes with ribbon cables for all supported architectures. For direct wiring into test fixtures, where there is not defined connector, there are several headers on the Cyclone with 0. Modes of Operation. Stand Alone Programming Manual Control. The Cyclone can be used to program target processors in stand alone mode without a PC. In this case, the images for programming are downloaded into the non volatile memory of the Cyclone in advance of programming. Once a programming image is resident in the Cyclone, programming can be as simple as pressing the start button. The result of programming can be seen on the SuccessError LEDs as well as the touchscreen which shows far more detail. Using the start button is an extremely simple and fast way to program targets on the production line as well as perform firmware upgrades in the field. The difference between success and failure is clearly shown to the operator. The currently selected image can be changed on the touch screen. Automatic serialization of the target processors, as specified by the image, is fully supported without a PC. Stand alone programming of an image can be manually launched in several ways. Using the million press rated start button one touch programmingUsing the touch screen LCD menu. Stand Alone Programming may also be fully automated from a PC. Stand alone Programming Automated. In addition to manual launch via the start button, stand alone programming can be automatically controlled from a PC using the included Cyclone Control Suite. The goal is to allow full control of one or more Cyclones from the PC, either from within a GUI, a custom application, or from the command line. This includes launching programming, recovering results, managing images resident on a Cyclone, adding unique programming data for each target, and more. All of these things are possible in an automated way without an operator. The simplest fundamental control of programming looks like this. Host PC Command Packet Launches Programming. Cyclone Image Programmed To Target. Cyclone Recovers Successful Result Or Error To PC. The three components of the Cyclone Control Suite allow you to automate control of a stand alone programming image from a PC in several ways. Cyclone Control Console command line utility. Launch programming, recover the result, and optionally change a programming image in a Cyclone from the command line or within a batch file. Cyclone Control SDK. Allows programming control to be integrated into user applications. Allows programming to be launched and results to be recovered from a Cyclone directly from the users own application. Cyclone Control GUI graphical interface. Allows the user to add and remove a SAP image, access Cyclone and image settings and properties, add additional licenses to the Cyclone, and more. Advanced Features available on CYCLONE FX or with purchase of Advanced Feature license. Allows multiple SAP images to be addedremovedupdated, allows programming to be launched on multiple cyclones, programming results to be recovered, dynamic data to be programmed along with the images data, image management add, delete, verify, etc, and more directly from the users own application. Allows remote control and touch of Cyclone screen via GUI application. PC Control Of Multiple Cyclones. Interactive Debug, Programming, Test The Cyclone can be used as a debug probe via the Serial, USB, or Ethernet ports in order to connect to and debug, test, and program a microprocessor based target from the PC. The Serial, USB, and Ethernet ports can be used to access the target hardware directly from the Host PC, while the Ethernet port allows the target hardware to be placed anywhere on the corporate LAN or even the Internet. For PC based testing, the UNIT library may be used with the Cyclone as a powerful tool to implement product level testing for product hardware. For PC based programming not stand alone, PEmicro includes both scripted and interactive versions of the PC based PROG programming software with the Cyclone. This software is particularly useful for testing programming sequences which will be incorporated into a stand alone programming image. The scripted version of the PROG software, CPROG, is also useful in those cases where the programming data is continually changing in a way that makes stand alone programming less easy to implement.